Santa Clara Map

Map of Santa Clara, California uses the base map data from TomTom. The data is updated every 6 months making this one of the most updated printed large map of Santa Clara and its neighborhood areas. This map is available in a scale of 1:13,000 in 36 x 24 inches. If you want a map with different extents, orientation, or scale, you can do that by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


An interactive Santa Clara map shows street details with clearly marked landmarks, government buildings, schools, churches, important routes, highways (I-880 SR-82, SR-87), and more. The map also highlights Municipal, Town, and Zip code boundaries. The map also depicts hospital campuses, postal districts, streets and neighborhoods, industrial areas, and recreation areas like parks, Golf courses, Hotels, and much more.

Major infrastructure like airports, police stations, shopping malls, industrial complexes, train stations is also identifiable. A map legend featured at the bottom helps all the signs, characters graphics, and symbols used throughout the map.

About Santa Clara, California

Santa Clara is a city in Santa Clara County, California. Located on the southern coast of San Francisco Bay immediately west of San Jose and 45 miles (72 km) southeast of San Francisco. San Clara is bordered by San Jose on all sides, except for Sunnyvale and Cupertino to the west.

Santa Clara is located in the center of silicon valley and is home to the headquarters of several high-tech companies such as Intel. It is also home to Santa Clara University, the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of California.

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SKU svd_ca_santa_clara_24
Map Scale 1:13,000
Flat Size 24 x 36 in

