Ithaca Map

Map of Ithaca, New York uses the base map data from TomTom. The data is updated every 6 months making this one of the most updated printed large map of Ithaca, NY and its neighborhood areas. This map is available in a scale of 1:11,000 in 24 x 36 inches. If you want a map with different extents, orientation, or scale, you can do that by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


In this City Map, you can find different points of interest and land use areas marked in the city. The map includes substantial Geographic details like Lakes, Rivers, waterfalls, major roads, and highways, railways, streets with street names, at detailed scales. The map also shows high-level land use like parks(Buttermilk Falls State Park), recreation areas, industrial areas, hospital campuses, airports, police stations, shopping malls, and colleges (Cornell University, Ithaca College).

About Ithaca, New York

Ithaca is a city in the Finger Lakes region of New York. It is the seat of Tompkins County, as well as the largest community in the Ithaca-Tompkins County metropolitan area. This area contains the municipalities of the Town of Ithaca, the Village of Cayuga Heights, and other towns and villages in Tompkins County.

The City of Ithaca is located on the southern shore of Cayuga Lake, in central New York, about 45 miles (72 km) south-west of Syracuse. It is named after the Greek island of Ithaca. Additionally, Ithaca is located 247 miles (398 km) southeast of Toronto, and 223 miles (359 km) northwest of New York City.

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SKU svd_ny_ithaca_24
Map Scale 1:11,000
Flat Size 24 x 36 in

