Phoenix Zip Codes Map, Arizona ZIP Codes

Buy this Phoenix Zip code map featuring clear boundaries of all 5 digit Zip code areas of the city. You can find extensive geographic details about highways, streets, neighborhoods, and other important landmarks on this map. It is available to buy in a variety of finishes including paper, canvas, and lamination. You can use this detailed map for service delivery, retail siting, sales region planning, and many other businesses' purposes.

This map is available in a scale of 1:65,000 in 36 x 48 inches in portrait orientation. If you want a map with different extents, or landscape orientation, or scale, you can do that by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


Phoenix Zip Code Map

Locate all 46 Zip codes of the city of Phoenix on this detailed Phoenix area Zip code map. The base map will also provide you with information about the city's roads, streets, neighborhoods, transit routes, and other major landmarks. For other signs and symbols used throughout the map, you can refer to the map legend featured in the footer.

You can purchase this high-quality map in your choice of finishing material including paper, canvas, and lamination.

How to customize our map?

This map can be customized around the area of your choices such as your business service area or your neighborhood. You can use the search bar and zoom buttons on the map to center on your location. The drag arrows will help you define the print area.

By zooming in the map, you'll be able to get a detailed view of your city and by zooming out you can print the entire neighborhood. You can see how the final map print will look by clicking on 'Preview'. This customizable map can be ordered in various sizes, orientations, and finishing materials.

Shop for this custom map of Phoenix here.

How to use this Phoenix area Zip code map?

Apart from your specific requirements for this map, you can also use it for planning delivery, retail siting, sales region planning, and real estate. Detailed and accurate information on the map is also useful for direct mail marketing. You can even add this to the walls of your home or office.

More maps of Phoenix

More About The City of Phoenix

With a population of 1.6 million people, Phoenix is the capital and most populous city in Arizona and the fifth most populous city in the United States. The city is the anchor of the Phoenix metropolitan area, also known as the Valley of the Sun. It is located in the heart of the fastest-growing and most dynamic metropolitan area in the country.

What are the Zip codes of Phoenix?

There are in total 46 Zip codes in the city, ranging from 85001–85099. Among these, Paradise Valley’s 85253 is Arizona’s most expensive Zip code followed by 85262 and 85266.

These Zip codes were introduced by the United States Postal Service (USPS) in 1963. Their basic format consisting of five digits was extended to the ZIP+4 code in 1983. Even though their initial function was to improve the mail delivery system, today these are used for monitoring statistics, direct mail marketing, internet routing, and credit card security.

Neighborhoods in Phoenix

The city is divided into urban villages based upon historically significant neighborhoods and communities annexed into Phoenix. These villages have their planning committee appointed by the city council. Their purpose is to "work with the city's planning commission to ensure a balance of housing and employment in each village, concentrate development at identified village cores, and to promote the unique character and identity of the villages."

There are in total of 15 urban villages namely Ahwatukee Foothills, Alhambra, Central City, Deer Valley, Camelback East, Desert View, Encanto, Estrella, Maryvale, North Gateway, Laveen, North Mountain, Paradise Valley, South Mountain, and Rio Vista.

Apart from these, there are a variety of regions and districts in the city including Downtown, Midtown, Uptown, West Phoenix, North Phoenix, South Phoenix, Biltmore Area, Arcadia, and Sunnyslope.

Click here for more Arizona Zip Code Map

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SKU dmsg-zip-phoenix-1
Map Scale 1:65,000
Flat Size 36 x 48 in
Publication Date 2018
Publisher Name MapSherpa

