Los Angeles Zip Codes Map, California

Map of Los Angeles, California uses the base map data from TomTom. The data is updated every 6 months making this one of the most updated printed large map of Los Angeles, CA and its neighborhood areas. This map is available in a scale of 1:65,000 in 36 x 48 inches in portrait orientation. If you want a map with different extents, or landscape orientation, or scale, you can do that by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


This Map shows the US Zip codes written in a 5-digit format using red boundaries. These digits are divided into 3 main parts-the national areas, the region or city, and the delivery area.

Details on the Los Angeles, California Zip code Map

The map includes extensive Geographic details like interstate and state highways, street and street names at detailed scales, cities, and towns, counties and state names with boundaries. The map depicts a high-level land use like parks, recreation areas, industrial areas, and hospital campuses.

Major infrastructure like airports, police stations, train stations is also identifiable. Railways, ferry routes, lakes and rivers, landmarks and a variety of major points of interest are included in the map. A map legend at the bottom helps identify all signs and symbols used on the map.

Zip codes of Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles, California roughly covers 98 Zip codes. It ranges from 90001-90099, 90101-90189,90291-90293, 91040-91609. The USPS has segmented the country into 10 Zip Code Areas they are numbered 0-9.

The next two numbers of the Zip code are assigned according to the city. And the last two digits represent the area of the city or town.

Map Scale Available sizes, format, and finishes

The scale of the map is 1:65,000. The high-quality map is available in size 36x48 inches. The premium finishes available are paper, matte, plastic and canvas.

Uses of Los Angeles, California Zip code Map

This map serves various travel, business, and organizational functions including service delivery, real estate, sales territories, region planning and much more. The elaborate road networks make this map an ideal tool for general reference and planning long-distance trips. The map's descriptive nature is clear and graspable which makes it apt for business and reference use.

Customization options available for this Map

We have a high-quality customizable version of this map. You can Center it around any area of your choices like a business, service area, sales territories, or your neighborhood. The zoom buttons and drag arrows on the map will help you define the print area. You can also add appropriate titles, orientations to it.

Information about Los Angeles, California

The City of Los Angeles is known by its initials LA. It is the most populous city in California and the second-most populous city in the United States . Los Angeles is a cultural, financial and commercial center of Southern California . The City is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic diversity, Hollywood, the entertainment industry, and it's sprawling metropolis.

The geographical location of Los Angeles, California, USA

Los Angeles lies in a basin in Southern California, adjacent to the Pacific Ocean , with Mountains as high as 10,000 feet(3,000m) and deserts. The city, which covers about 469 square miles(1,210 km2) is the seat of Los Angeles County .

More Maps of Los Angeles

Visit the online store of Maptrove.ca for more options of Los Angeles, California Maps.

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SKU dmsg-zip-los-angles-1
Map Scale 1:65,000
Flat Size 36 x 48 in
Publication Date 2018
Publisher Name MapSherpa

