Chicago IL Zip Code Map

Purchase this Chicago Zip Code Map featuring all 5 digit Zip code areas of the city with extensive geographic details. Locate all major road information about highways, streets, neighborhoods, and other important landmarks on this map. The map is available to buy in a variety of finishes including paper, canvas, and lamination. You can use this detailed map for service delivery, retail siting, sales region planning, and many other businesses' purposes.

This map is available in a scale of 1:50,000 in 36 x 48 inches in portrait orientation. If you want a map with different extents, or landscape orientation, or scale, you can do that by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


Chicago Zip Code Map

This Chicago area Zip code map marks all Zip code areas of the city using clear red boundaries. You can find detailed information about Chicago's roads, streets, neighborhoods, transit routes, and other major landmarks. A map legend featured in the footer will also help you identify all signs and symbols used throughout the map. You can buy this high-quality map from our online map store in a variety of sizes, orientations, and finishes like paper, canvas, and lamination.

How to customize our map?

You can also customize this map and center it around any location such as your business service area or your neighborhood. You can search for the area on the map using the search bar and use the zoom buttons and drag arrows to define the print area.

By zooming in, you'll be able to get a detailed print of your location and by zooming out, you can print the entire neighborhood. After customization, you can click on 'Preview' to see how the final map will look like. You can also add any title to the map and select from a range of sizes, orientations, and finishes.

Purchase this custom map of Chicago.

How to use a Chicago area Zip code map?

You might have some specific requirements for this map but many of our customers have used it for their businesses purposes. The detailed marking on this map makes it ideal for planning delivery, retail siting, sales region planning, and real estate. People often use this map for direct mail marketing. You can even add this to the walls of your home or office.

More maps of Chicago

More Information About Chicago

The city of Chicago has a population of approx 2.7 million, making it the most populous city in Illinois and the third most populous city in the US. It is also the county seat of Cook County and the second-most populous county in the US.

Chicago is located on the shores of Lake Michigan, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed. It rests on a continental divide at the site of the Chicago Portage. The history and economy of the city are closely tied to its proximity to Lake Michigan. The Chicago River has handled much of the region's waterborne cargo but today lake freighters use the city's Lake Calumet Harbor on the South Side.

What are the Zip codes of Chicago?

Chicago has at least 63 Zip codes with the prefix of 606xx, 607xx, 608xx. The Merchandise Mart in downtown once had its own Zip code and now places like Willis Tower have their own Zip codes. Zip codes of other major regions of the city are listed below:

Zip Codes Regions
60611, 60605, 60610, 60602 to 60604, 60607, 60616, 60642, 60654, 60606, 60608, 60612, 60661, 60601 Downtown
60613, 60622, 60647, 60657, 60618, 60614, 60631, 60646, 60630, 60641, 60625, 60640, 60645, 60659, 60660 North Chicago
60625, 60618, 60639, 60641, 60630, 60631, 60646, 60634, 60656 Northwest Side
60609, 60620, 60636, 60805, 60637, 60624, 60623, 60643, 60655, 60653, 60605, 60607, 60608 South Chicago

These Zip codes were introduced with the aim of an effective mail delivery system. Today these are used for monitoring statistics, direct mail marketing, internet routing, and credit card security.

Communities in Chicago

The major part of the city includes the central business district, called The Loop, and the North, South, and West Sides. These three sides are represented on the Flag of Chicago by three horizontal white stripes. The North Side is the most densely populated residential section of the city with multiple high-rises along the lakefront. The Southside is the largest section of the city and contains most of the facilities of the Port of Chicago.

During the 1920s, the city was subdivided into 77 distinct community areas by sociologists at the University of Chicago. Today, these are further subdivided into over 200 informally defined neighborhoods.

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SKU dmsg-zip-chicago-1
Map Scale 1:50,000
Flat Size 36 x 48 in
Publication Date 2018
Publisher Name MapSherpa

