Omaha, Nebraska ZIP Codes Map

This Omaha, Zip Code Map shows the zip codes that are written in a 5-digit format. These digits are divided into 3 main parts- the national area, the region or city, and the delivery area. The base map also features detailed road information about major highways, neighborhoods, transit routes and other major landmarks. A map legend featured at the bottom helps identify all signs and symbols used on the map.

You can purchase this high-quality, Omaha, Nebraska area zip code map in various finishes including paper, canvas, and lamination.

This map is available in a scale of 1:30,000 in 48 x 36 inches in landscape orientation. If you want a map with different extents, or portrait orientation, or scale, you can do that by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


Zip Codes of Omaha, Nebraska

In total Omaha, Nebraska covers 48 zip codes roughly. These zip codes range from 680022, 68102-68198. These zip codes were introduced in 1963 by the United States Postal Service (USPS). USPS changed the zip-code system in 1983 to include the new zip+4.

This uses a basic five-digit code plus four additional digits to identify a small delivery segment. This zip+4 code is calculated automatically when the mail is sorted and processed. Now they are used in the city for delivery service, statistics, direct mail marketing, credit card security and internet routing.You can view these zip codes marked on the map.

Customization options of Omaha, Nebraska Zip code Map

We have a high-quality customizable version of this map that can be centered around any area of your choice. The zoom buttons and drag arrows on the map will help you define the print area. Businesses can use to create their own map by centering the map on their location. Logistics and service delivery businesses also use these maps for cropping their service delivery area maps from the base map.

Uses of the Omaha, Nebraska Zip codes Map

You can also use this map for various business functions including planning delivery, sales region planning, retail sitting, and real estate. The map can also be used for direct mail marketing. You can add this map to your office wall decor.

Information about Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha is the largest city in the state of Nebraska and the County seat of Douglas County . Omaha is in the Midwestern United States on the Missouri River, about 10 miles(15km) north of the mouth of the plate River. Geographically, Omaha is considered as being in the ”heartland” of the United States .

Omaha is the anchor of the eight-county, bistate Omaha-Council Bluffs metropolitan area. Today, Omaha is home to five fortune 1000 headquarters companies and four Fortune 500 companies.

The neighborhood of Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska is generally divided into six geographic areas: Downtown, Midtown, North Omaha, South Omaha, West Omaha, and East Omaha. The city has a wide range of historical and new neighborhoods and suburbs that reflect it's sociology diversity.

Recently, Omahans have made strides to revitalize the downtown and Midtown areas with the redevelopment of the old market, Turner Park, Gifford, Park, and the designation of the Omaha Rail and Commerce Historic District.

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SKU dmsg-zip-omaha-1
Map Scale 1:30,000
Flat Size 48 x 36 in
Publication Date 2019
Publisher Name MapSherpa

