Australia's Outback Tracks - 1:1M map

Australia’s Outback Tracks map is based on 1:1 million scale data featuring Coast to Coast coverage. It is perfect for the creation of personalized maps of past or future trips, regional level interest maps or areas not covered by other printed maps. You can search for a location on the map and use the zoom buttons and drag arrows to refine the print area. You can also preview the final customized map before placing an order.


Australia Outback Tracks Map

This Australia’s Outback Tracks map is based on 1:1 million scale data featuring Coast to Coast coverage. It is perfect for the creation of personalized maps of past or future trips, regional level interest maps or areas not covered by other printed maps.

This map includes all the outback tracks, highways, cities & towns with shaded relief and informative notes about the outback.

Customize This Map

To customize this map around your preferred location like your business service area or sales territory, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Start by locating the area with the help of search bar on the map.
  • You can use the zoom buttons and the drag arrows to adjust the print area.
  • To view the final product click “Preview” on the map. If you are not satisfied with the print area, you can click on “Close Preview” and make more changes.
  • Once you are done making the changes, select an appropriate title for the map.
  • You can also choose a map orientation, size, and finishing material from the various options available.
  • Click on “Add to Cart” to buy the map.

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SKU 1ef776f48bc05f5f8714b1495233d196
Map Specification

Optimum Print Scale: 1:1,000,000

Publisher Name Westprint

