Portland ZIP Code Map, Oregon

Buy this Portland Zip Code map featuring detailed road information and extensive geographic details ideal for planning deliveries, home services, sales territories, real estate and much more. You can easily locate all interstate and state highways, streets names, cities, and towns with boundaries on the map. You can purchase this high-quality map in your choice of finishing materials like paper, canvas, and lamination.

This map is available in a scale of 1:65,000 in 48 x 36 inches in landscape orientation. If you want a map with different extents, or portrait orientation, or scale, you can do that by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


Portland Zip Code Map

This high-quality Portland Oregon Zip Code map includes a detailed base map featuring extensive geographic details like interstate and state highways, streets names, cities, and towns with boundaries. You can easily locate all Zip code areas marked clearly with red boundaries on the map. You can also refer to the map legend featured in the bottom to identify signs and symbols used throughout the map.

You can buy this high-quality map in your choice of finishing material from paper, canvas, and lamination.

How to customize this map?

You can center this map around the area of your choice using our customizable version. You can search for any location be it your business service area, sales territory, or your neighborhood on this map. The zoom-in option available on the map will give you a closer look at the city and the zoom out option will give you a print of the entire neighborhood. After getting all the customizations right, you can also add a title and select a size, orientation, and finishing material of your choice.

Buy this custom map of Portland here.

How to use this Portland Zip code map?

You might have some specific requirements for this map, but many of our customers use it for their business purpose of tracking down delivery service areas, sales territories, and catchment areas. The detailed information on our Zip Code map is also helpful while planning direct mail marketing services. You can even hang this map on the walls of your home or office.

More maps of Portland

More Information About Portland

The city of Portland is the largest and most populous in Oregon and is also the seat of Multnomah County. With a population of 653,115, it is the 25th most populated city in the US and the second-most populous in the Pacific Northwest after Seattle. It lies on top of an extinct volcanic field known as the Boring Lava Field.

Portland is also a major port in the Willamette Valley of the Pacific Northwest, at the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Its cityscape derives its character from the bridges that span the Willamette River downtown. Most heavily used bridges in downtown are more than 100 years old and are designated historic landmarks.

What are the Zip Codes in Portland?

There are at least 21 Zip Codes in the city, ranging from 97086 to 97299. These were introduced in 1963 by the United States Postal Service (USPS) for efficient mail delivery. In the city, 97201, 97204, 97205, 97209, and 97210 are identified as Downtown Portland. And 97250 to 97254 and 97256 are identified as unique Zip Codes.

These are used for planning deliveries, monitoring statistics, direct mail marketing, internet routing, and credit card security.

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SKU svd_zip_portland_or
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Flat Size 36 x 48 in
Publisher Name MapSherpa

