US Topo Map - Modern

This US Topo map is derived from the modern USGS Topographic series updated on a 3-year cycle. It allows for the creation of detailed modern topographic maps for anywhere in the USA. These site centered maps can be made at scales between 1:12,000 and 1:40,000. You can also personalize the maps by adding a title, selecting a size, orientation, and finishing material.


This product is derived from the modern USGS Topographic series updated on a 3 year cycle, and allows for the creation of detailed modern topographic maps for anywhere in the USA. Site centered maps can be made at scales between 1:12,000 and 1:40,000.

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SKU 9fd3791ad4458ae82513214e814ec856
Map Specification

Min Print Scale - 1:55,000

Max Print Scale - 1:12,000

Optimal Print Scale - 1:24,000

Publisher Name MapSherpa

