Lake Ontario Map

Purchase this Lake Ontario Canada map featuring all topographic details of the lake and its surrounding region. You can easily locate major landforms, rivers, roads, rails and ferry routes around the lake using this map. Other points of interest such as campsites and trailheads are also marked on the map. You can shop for this high-quality map in a variety of finishes including paper, matte plastic, and lamination. The map can be used as wall decor in homes and offices or as a travel companion for your next trip.


Lake Ontario Map

This detailed Lake Ontario topographic map marks all major landmarks like roads, rails, trails, ferry routes, parks, mountains, and forests. You will find both the political and physical features of the lake and its surrounding area marked clearly on this map. Relief shading and elevation contour lines are also used on this map to better display the height of land above the sea level.

You can add this map to the walls of your office spaces, educational institutions, and homes. It can also be presented as a gift to your friends and loved ones who love traveling and exploring new places. You can purchase this high-quality map in a variety of finishing materials including paper, lamination, and matte plastic.

How to customize a map of Lake Ontario?

You will also get an option to customize this detailed map around any area of your choice. That customizable version will allow you to zoom in on the lake and center it on any nearby cottage, resort or another part of the lake. You can adjust the print area as per your requirement, add any title and select from a range of orientations, sizes, and paper finishes before ordering.

Start editing this custom map of Lake Ontario here.

Where is Lake Ontario?

Lake Ontario lies between the Canadian province of Ontario and is surrounded by New York on the south and east. Many populous cities of Ontario like Toronto and Hamilton lies on the shore of this lake. The lake's primary inlet is the Niagara River from Lake Erie and it serves as the outlet to the Atlantic Ocean via the Saint Lawrence River.

The lake is one of the five Great Lakes of North America and is the only Great Lake not to border the state of Michigan. It is the easternmost of the Great Lakes and the smallest in surface area. It is also the last lake in the Great Lakes' hydrologic chain and has the lowest mean surface elevation of the lakes at 243 feet (74 m) above sea level.

Many major rivers that drain into Lake Ontario include the Niagara River, Don River, Humber River, Trent River, Cataraqui River, Genesee River, Oswego River, Black River, Little Salmon River, and the Salmon River.

Bathymetry of the Lake

Lake Ontario has a surface area of 7,340 sq mi, 18,960 km2), making it the 13th largest lake in the world. Including its islands, the lake's shoreline is 712 miles (1,146 km) long. The maximum length of the lake is 193 statute miles (311 km; 168 nautical miles) and its maximum width is 53 statute miles (85 km; 46 nmi). Its average depth is 47 fathoms 1 foot (283 ft; 86 m), with a maximum depth of 133 fathoms 4 feet (802 ft; 244 m).

More maps of the Great Lakes

  • Lake Erie Map - A detailed map of Lake Erie available in high-quality finish.
  • Lake Huron - NOAA Chart of the Lake Huron available in various finishing materials.
  • Lake Michigan Map - High-quality map of Lake Michigan showing a 3D representation of the lake bottom.
  • Lake Superior - Map of the largest of the Great Lakes and also the world's largest freshwater lake by surface area.

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SKU 9ec2ccde4ea71cd83900cdedf628db72-Ontario-L-ON
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Publisher Name MapSherpa

