Memphis Zip Codes Map, Tennessee ZIP Codes

This map of Memphis shows 5 digit Zip code areas overlaid on a road map marked with red boundaries. The base map features including all the geographic details. The area’s cities and towns, interstate highways(Interstate40,Interstate 55) and roads, and a variety of points of interest are depicted on this map.

The highly detailed inset of Memphis Zip Codes also shows Railroads, streets, industrial areas, recreation areas like parks, Golf courses, landmarks, hospital campuses, postal districts and much more. A map legend featured at the bottom helps all the signs and symbols used throughout the map.

This map is available in a scale of 1:55,000 in 48 x 36 inches in landscape orientation. If you want a map with different extents, or portrait orientation, or scale, you can do that by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


Map Scale and available size, format, and finishes

The scale of the map is 1:55,000. The map is available in size 48x36 inches. The high-quality, Memphis, Tennessee map is available in various premium finishes including paper, canvas, and laminated.

Uses of Memphis, Tennessee Zip code Map

This map can be used for various business functions including planning delivery, retail siting, sales region planning, and real estate. This map is also used for direct mail marketing via some companies. The elaborate road networks make this map an ideal tool for general references and planning long-distance trips.

Customization options available for Memphis, Tennessee Zip code Map

We have a high-quality, customizable version of this map that can be centered around any area of your choice. The zoom buttons and drag arrows on the map will help you define the print area. Logistic and service delivery businesses can also use these maps for cropping their service delivery area maps from the base maps. Holiday home/cottage owners can create customized maps with the location of their holiday home and cropping the area to order a customized map poster for their wall.

Zip Codes of Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis, Tennessee associated with 61 Zip codes by the US Postal Service. It ranges from 37501, 37544,38002-38088, 38101-38197.

Location of Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis is a city located along Mississippi River in southwestern Shelby County, Tennessee , United States. The city is the anchor of West Tennessee and greater Mid-South region, which includes portions of neighboring Arkansas and Mississippi . The City features a wide variety of landscapes and distinct neighborhoods.

More Information about Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis grew into one of the largest cities of the Antebellum South as a market for agricultural goods. Today, Memphis is a regional center for commerce, education, media, art, and entertainment.

Downtown Memphis rises from a bluff along the Mississippi River. The City and metro area spread out through suburbanization, and encompass southwest Tennessee, northern Mississippi and eastern Arkansas. Several large parks were founded in the city, notably, Overton Park in Midtown and Shelby farms are marked on the map.

More maps of Memphis, Tennessee

  1. West Memphis Zip code Map: This Customizable west Memphis Zip Code map includes extensive geographic details. The maximum print scale of m is 1:15,000, and minimum print scale 1:2,000,000.
  2. East Memphis Zip Code Map:This customizable East Memphis Zip Code map includes extensive Geographic Details.
  3. Central Memphis, Map,Tennessee-Landscape: This landscape-oriented map of central Memphis, Tennessee is available in 48x36inches.
  4. Central Memphis Map,Tennessee-portrait: This portrait-oriented map of Central Memphis, Tennessee shows detailed street-level information is available in 36x48 inches.

Visit the online store of for more options.

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SKU dmsg-zip-memphis-1
Map Scale 1:55,000
Flat Size 48 x 36 in
Publication Date 2018
Publisher Name MapSherpa

